Tony Wong

Full Stack Developer

About Me

👋 Hey! I am Tony Wong, a Full Stack Developer with a passion for developing cutting-edge solutions. I have a background in both economics and computer science from the University of Calgary. I believe in continuously learning and have a strong fascination with fintech. The interplay of creativity, logic, technology, and an abundance of opportunities inspire my enthusiasm for software development. When I'm not working, I like to spend my free time gaming or participating in sports with friends.

tony wong photo

I'm Calgary Based!


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Database API For Stadium Management

The database was constructed to resolve challenges in data management within stadiums, including ticket sales, facility maintenance, etc. It integrates with 20+ API endpoints to serve the needs of the four types of end users.

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Postman Documentation

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Academic Journal Logging System for Universities

A journal logging system built using Java web (Vaadin) technology, utilizing sound methodology and agile development practices. Admins, Researchers, Editors, and Reviewers have been provided with role-based interfaces and proper permissions.

GitHub Project Repo & Read Me

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Mobile Auto Garbage Sorter

Classifies the type of garbage from a picture taken from a smartphone. This ensures people don't put their garbage in the wrong bin ;). We developed this application in for the Code the Change Hackathon 2019 sponsored by Benevity and won the People's Choice award.

GitHub Project Repo & Read Me

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Sharkies Art NFT Project

Created in Etheruem using Solidity language to create a smart contract. Website coded in React with ability to interact with Metamask wallet to allow for client minting. Minted over 100+ unique procedural generated art sharks.

Opensea marketplace

Etherscan code